World Down's Syndrome Day 2015 - a review.

Tomorrow marks World Down's Syndrome Day 2015. It's on the 21st March because the number 21 is the magic number... Chromosome 21 is one of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans. People normally have two copies of this chromosome. The trisomy of the 21st chromosome causes Down's syndrome.On the 21st March people across the world unite to celebrate Down's syndrome. Once feared, understanding and acceptance has become more common place now. It's hard to believe that people who had Down's syndrome used to be institutionalised. But those were different times.I've been working with the Down's syndrome community for years, ever since I met a very special lady called Susan who shared her story with me. We're still friends to this day and I've watched her family grow with awe. I thought I'd mark WDSD by posting some of my favourite stories that I've had the honour of working on, in my continued quest to celebrate families in the Down's syndrome community and help educate and inform the general public about what life with a child who has Down's syndrome could actually be like.So thank you Susan, Michelle, Helen, and all the lovely mums who have allowed me into your world. Happy Down's Syndrome Day! Please click the link to see just some of the stories I've worked on - pretty proud of this!KOLAanitaTOTPS205 (Small) EPSON MFP image CLARKmichellePEOPLEsa (Small) Baby magazine (Small) EPSON MFP image Donna in BellaWhen Pip was born, she was diagnosed with Down's syndrome and Tara's initial reaction was devastation. But when Pip arrived in this world, a star was born.Michelle 45 from Cambridge spearheading the Lose The LabelI am not a down's syndrome baby I am Mara. Bella magazine feature WDSD14.wown101Christina WO copy