Posts tagged womans own magazine
Thank you, body!

Love, love, LOVE this story! Absolutely love writing about women who have been on a journey to find peace with themselves. Women who have self-confidence, self-acceptance and happiness, much deserved. These are the kind of stories I want to read when I open a magazine and it is my great honour to help make them happen!

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Someone to believe in her - Bella

This beautiful story, out in Woman's Own, tells the story of how Cathy came to adopt Sinead, a poorly little lady who needed someone to believe in her. Sinead has Down's syndrome and was left pretty much alone for the first few months of her life. No cuddles, no love, no hope... until Cathy came along, fell madly in love, and gave Sinead the love, care and attention she deserved.

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Out dating secrets - Woman's Own

I worked with the fab dating agency Lumen on this piece for Woman's Own, interviewing Angela and Kamay about their dating world. Online dating is such a normal part of the dating world now, but some profiles are more successful than others... read our piece to find out why !Lumen is aimed at the over 50s 

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World Down's syndrome Day 2019 - a retrospective collective

Happy World Down's syndrome Day 2019! It's become my tradition to collate all the stories about all the legends of the Down's syndrome community I've written about in the past year, to mark this wonderful, worldwide celebration. I have written about amazing children like Max, who I wrote about over Christmas for Best and Chat, who is just about the most gorgeous little elf in the world. 

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The Last Generation? Woman's Own

Always extra specially proud of my stories for and about the Down's syndrome community - here's this week's piece in Woman's Own magazine celebrating Sophie and Joe, two brilliant kids who have brought sunshine and sparkle to their family and friends - and who happen to have Down's syndrome. 

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