Posts in Fitness
I used to sit on the sidelines - Top Sante

Kirsty is one inspirational powerhouse - just look at her transformation! Now, she's challenging herself to conquer the pull-up and she runs a Friday night running club, building a community of like-minded running fans. If you've set yourself a resolution to get into shape in 2020, read Kirsty's story! Out now in Top Sante.

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I'm not into fashion, I'm into style! My Weekly

The gorgeous and oh so stylish Suzi, 69, shares her top tips for a stylish wardrobe on every budget, in this week's My Weekly magazine. I loved writing about Suzi. Her personality was as colourful as her outfits and she was such fun. She made me look at my go-to outfit of jeans and a top with raised eyebrows! Perhaps it is time to branch out...Check out Suzi in My Weekly now, or follow her on Instagram here.

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Thank you, body!

Love, love, LOVE this story! Absolutely love writing about women who have been on a journey to find peace with themselves. Women who have self-confidence, self-acceptance and happiness, much deserved. These are the kind of stories I want to read when I open a magazine and it is my great honour to help make them happen!

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Keep Dancing - Best Magazine

For Annette, Sheila and Gemini, dance is life! It was wonderful to write about three women who have found happiness through their dancing shoes. With the new series of Strictly hitting screens this week, what a perfect time to celebrate these gorgeous women. Out now in Best!

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I'm still Lorayne... Best Magazine

The Restaurant That Makes Mistakes took a group of people with varying forms of dementia and gave them the opportunity to work in a restaurant - the results are on 4od now. It's a great concept for a show and an experiment - incredible people have been written off as incapable of working but the show asks what happens if you give people responsibility again? Lorayne was one of the participants and has early onset frontotemporal dementia.

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