World Down's Syndrome Day 2015

WDSDwoman2015 (Small)I've been working with families in the Down's syndrome community for several years now, and am proud to put my name to so many life affirming, positive stories about children who have Down's syndrome making their families complete. I feel that with every positive story we do, we're changing perceptions and breaking taboos.Sadly there are still some stories with negative connotations and a few weeks ago I spotted a story in Woman about a mum who wishes she'd aborted her son, who has Down's syndrome. Ouch! I rallied some troops to respond to the article and thus, this week in Woman, there's our response article, nicely timed as it's World Down's Syndrome Day on March 21st. Please do buy Woman this week and show your support for the Down's syndrome community.Later this week I'm going to post some of my previous articles about Down's syndrome to keep the momentum going. I'm so touched by all these stories and the families who let me into their lives and trust me to write their stories, make me feel truly honoured. Thank you all!