Weekly Round Up

pencil and paper with My Story words near cup of coffee on blue wooden tableWe really do get to write about the most wonderful people in the world. Like young Florence, a little lady with a big smile, a smile that's been seen all around the world. Her beautiful story will be seen in Take a Break soon, and guaranteed, it'll make you smile too!We've also been writing about Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, which is what happens to babies when the mother drinks excessively during pregnancy. It's certainly a startling and sad prognosis for a child and one that we're raising awareness of in a few upcoming magazines. More on this to follow.And also this week, we're looking for women who look better now than they did 20-odd years ago, through weight loss, surgery, fitness and adventure. So if you fit the bill for that one, please do get in touch and sell your story with us today.Thank you!