My boyfriend already found The One - Grazia

GraziaTheOne (Medium)As we get older, life gets more complicated. The chances of being the first person your boyfriend / girlfriend ever loved, are pretty slim. But what happens if he's still in love with his ex? Then you're in a pickle. He says he loves you, but she's still hanging around like a moth to a light and you're pretty sure you're never going to feel like a priority. It's a tough situation and one that Sam wanted to explore with Grazia in order to help other women in her position. As Sam said to us when we started working together, she can't be the only woman going through this. Grazia delved into the subtle disappointments Sam feels every time she sees her mother-in-law, who always 'accidentally on purpose' calls Sam by her son's ex-girlfriend's name and still has framed pictures of the happy couple adorning her walls. What's Sam to do? She hasn't got the answer, but we think Sam is absolutely lovely and we hope she finds a way to feel more loved in future, if not by Jack, then by someone more deserving. If you're having relationship problems and you'd like to share and sell your story, please contact us today.