My friend saved my life - Bella Magazine

This week in Bella, best friends Cath and Claire tell their incredible story. When they met, both women were overweight. Then Claire started the Cambridge Weight Plan and transformed into the slim, healthy woman you can see in the pictures. Inspired, Cath followed suit. Only once Cath had lost weight did she discover a lump in her breast that turned out to be advanced and aggressive cancer. Had she not lost weight, she wouldn't have found the lump.Cath won her cancer battle and both women are now a fit and healthy size, they're both Cambridge Weightloss consultants and both enjoying their fabulous friendship, their lives changed forever! Cath and Claire were great to work with and their story celebrates friendship, while serving as a stark reminder to all women, make sure you check your breasts. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so buy a copy of Bella and help spread awareness! If you have a friendship or health story you'd like to share, please get in touch today.