Weekly Round UP

Well where does the time go? A new week, a new raft of fascinating stories that make me proud to be a writer.I've been writing about some amazing kids this week. One little girl certainly gets the bravery award, for she has a condition which has led to 70 broken bones already, and she's only five. But she's an absolute champ who loves nothing more than digging for worms in her garden and grilling her mother about the gravitational pull of the universe. She hasn't got time to feel sorry for herself as she is too busy figuring out the world, and that's something we could all learn from.Also inspiring me to appreciate life this week are the three stories in my 'you saved my life' feature - three women who are saying a public thank you to the people who saved their lives. The world is full of wonderful people. And I get to write about them!As always I'd love to hear your story, so please get in touch today!