How to Sell a Story with Phoenix Features

Stories are like opinions, everyone has one.  Some stories are shocking, uplifting, inspiring or even tear jerking. If your story is engaging enough then it might be worth looking into sharing it with the masses but would you know how to sell a story?


Here to Guide you through the Process

Phoenix Features have been selling stories since 2007. Founded by qualified and experienced journalist Kim Willis, whose vision was to provide a professional service to bridge the gap between the people with the stories and the clients buying the stories. In addition, because the stories presented might touch on sensitive issues, a personal and understanding approach is important to effectively look after the interests of all parties. This has succeeded in making Phoenix Features a well established agency with a highly regarded reputation.

Once you have contacted Kim with your story and we feel your story should be told, you will then be guided through the process. The interview process is to get a clear view of the story you would like to portray with accurate details. Although we remain professional, the interview is informal and gives you the freedom to speak for yourself but with the assurance of confidentiality.  You will be given a read back of the final piece before any publication to give your approval. You can also have the choice of which publication you would like to pitch your story to. Your payment will start processing as soon as your story is featured and stories can generate anything from £100 - £2000 and if you’re wondering what Phoenix Features gets out of all this, you do not have to pay us a penny as the newspaper or magazine pay us for conducting interviews and writing the story.

Visit us to Find out More

If you feel you have a story that is engaging enough to be published in either a newspaper or magazine then visit Phoenix Features on our website where we can go into more detail on how to sell a story or give us a call on 01380 850 860.

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