How Can I Sell My Story? – Here’s how

Ever had an experience that stands out from the rest? Ever asked yourself ‘How can I sell my story’? Your experience might be entertaining, shocking or moving. Your story might move people to uncontrollable fits of laughter, tears or even raise awareness of an issue that you have been affected by and that is close to your heart.

We Do All the Hard Work

From uplifting stories of amazing feats, shows of courage, dark stories of crime and betrayal to heart warming stories of people overcoming adversity. If you feel you have a story that will be engaging for whatever reason for others to read then look no further, we know how to sell a story and get the money your story is worth.

Not only should you be asking yourself ‘How can I sell my story’ you should be asking how much your story might be worth. Your story could sell for anything up to £2000, and don’t think you can only sell your story once.  Some publications will buy a story that has already been featured elsewhere.

The process is simple and straight forward.  After the initial contact is made we will work closely with you, asking you questions and discuss photographs relevant to your story. This is your story and to ensure accuracy we keep you in the loop every step of the way. Your story will not be published without your go ahead.  The interview process aims to clarify what you do and don’t want featuring in your story.  Once the final draft is written you have the option to make amendments where necessary.

Now you Know, Get in Touch

You can contact us on our telephone number 01380 850 860 or you can email us at with a brief description of your story and your contact details. If you’re still unsure and asking yourself ‘how can I sell my story’ then visit our website for more information.


BlogKim Willis