Selling a Story to a Newspaper with Phoenix Features couldn’t be Easier

Have you ever read a story in a newspaper and wondered ‘where do they come up with this stuff?’ If you plan on selling a story to a newspaper or magazine and your story is worth printing, most of the time it is up to you to approach the newspapers yourself. An even better option would be for you to allow a free service such as our self to collate your story and pitch it to the newspapers professionally and with the knowhow to get you the payment your story deserves.

With You Every Step of the Way

The concept of a middleman can sometimes be an unfavourable one. Many people believe these services to be little more than a mediator between two sides and an unnecessary cost. This is not always true, especially when you will not have to pay us a penny. Our purpose is solely to help you to sell your story and receive the correct payment and treatment. You have the story; we have the contacts and the knowhow. We will work closely with you. Through a process of interviews and collaboration we will ensure the details are accurate and that the finished piece is satisfactory. We then pitch it to the newspapers and/or magazines of your choice. When your story then goes into print you will receive your payment promptly from the publishers. Our costs are paid by the publishers so you will not have to part with a penny. You can be assured that through the writing talents and experience of our award winning journalists that your story will be given the justice it deserves.

Meet the Team

Kim Willis is the founder of Phoenix Features and a highly qualified journalist who ensures that each story is treated with the strictest confidence and appropriate sensitivity. Visit our website to meet the full team or have a chat with Kim and find out more about selling a story to a newspaper.

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