Best - Beautiful Again

BRYDENnellBEST (Small)In this wonderful story, Nell learns to love her new image. After pushing herself to the limit as an extremely busy musician, Nell's hair started falling out in clumps. Within weeks, she was diagnosed with alopecia totalis - complete hair loss. Nell was initially understandably heartbroken - her once long blonde locks were gone forever. But then a call from Gary Barlow came in, requesting Nell's company on his tour. Gary gave Nell belief in herself, in her abilities and her beauty.When Nell and Alistair fell in love and married, Nell was the beautiful bride she always hoped she'd be - discarding her headpiece as soon as the ceremony was over. Discovering inner confidence and inner beauty has led to a radiant outer beauty, wouldn't you agree?Nell's album Wayfarer is out now and her tour dates are on her website, The story is in this week's Best - check it out!