World Down's syndrome Day 2018 - a retrospective collective

Happy World Down's syndrome Day! Time for my annual love fest - click below to see a collection of the incredible families I've written about in the last year. I feel so incredibly fortunate to be able to use my pen (alright, keyboard) to celebrate so many inspiring young people. These are the game-changers, the rule-breakers, the cliche-defiers - while there's never been more urgency to highlight what Down's syndrome actually is (and not what medical professionals would STILL have us fear it is) these little legends are going about their legendaryness with aplomb. Just by being who they are, the ripple effect across society says We. Are. Awesome. So while NIPT (noninvasive prenatal testing) looms into view, the Down's syndrome community are here to say #wouldntchangeathing.For more information about Down’s syndrome, visit an online community offering friendly support for parents and an up to date, balanced view of life with the condition.