We’re Looking for True Life Stories to Sell

Real life stories are commonly the most popular stories. Most magazines and newspapers rely on these stories to sell publications but have you ever wondered where they get these stories from? It’s you; they come from people not so different from yourself. Here at Phoenix Features, you can share these true life experiences and stories. We help to sell your true life stories to various magazines and newspapers. And we do this for free; yes for free. So, if you have ever thought, ‘I have true life stories to sell,’ then look no further!

I have a True Life Story to Sell!

Selling your true story is a great way to share your personal experiences and can ever provide comfort for people who may have had a similar experience to yourself. Many readers may have gone or be going through the same life experience as you are; the writer. Therefore, when you have a story to sell, you are doing much more than just selling your story. You are showing others in the same predicament that they are not alone.True life stories are realistic and are most likely going to hook the readers into reading it and finding out what it is about. The old saying goes that often ‘the truth is stranger than fiction’. This is why those who have interesting real life stories to sell are never short of those who are willing to pay them money to do so. The money made from selling a story with Phoenix Features is paid directly to you from the publishers. Phoenix Features literally work as a ‘middle man’ but at no extra cost to yourself.

Got a Story to tell? Here’s how to do it!

So you want to know how to sell a story? Once you have contacted our helpful and hospitable team, we can discuss your true life stories and how we will move forward in an attempt to sell them to magazines and newspapers and get you the best possible payment. We are even willing to pick up the cost of the phone bill as we will contact you.Every good true life story has images to support it, we will include any photos you feel are relevant or we can set up a photo shoot thanks to award winning in-house photographer. Magazines and newspapers obviously include photos and images. You as a writer can earn more money from your story if you include some photos; literally painting a picture of your true life story. Again, this is your decision; you pick which photograph you wish to share.Once the initial interview is complete, we take your true life stories to sell, and do exactly that; sell them to magazines and newspapers. It is important that you get the best possible offers for your stories, so we will make sure this happens! Your story is your story to sell, hence we will give you a read through of the final piece before moving forward.The only person who gets paid to sell your stories is you and only you. We don’t take any of your earnings; we are paid direct from the publishers who feature your story.

So, do you have True Life Stories to Sell?

If you have true life stories to sell, then contact us. We can be contacted via our informative and welcoming website or our professional and friendly team on our contact number. Feel free to call us on 01380 850 860. 

BlogKim Willis