Dedicate a Story to your Mum this Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is almost upon us, the perfect time to show our beloved mothers how grateful we are for all their love and devotion. Some choose to bestow gifts of gratitude or simply a day out that shows that although you don’t always show it you are eternally grateful for their unwavering support.

Let us Sell your Story to a Newspaper or Magazine

The great actress Jessica Lange once said of mothers and motherhood ‘The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the centre of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children.’ And for most mothers, this is true which is why Mothering Sunday is the perfect opportunity to take a break from the norm and put your mother’s wants before your own. What better way to pay homage to your mother than to sell your story to a newspaper or magazine about her courage and unfaltering devotion to her family.Here at Sell My Story we love heart-warming stories, it’s what we thrive on and there is no shortage of people who have stories concerning their mothers. Obviously, not all stories are happy ones and many are tinged with sadness but whether your story is to show your admiration for your mother, or that you feel robbed of the mother – child relationship we would love to hear it. Either way you could be looking at earning a pretty penny from simply sharing your story and whether you want to use that money to treat your mother or treat yourself is up to you.

How Do I Sell my Story?

So here’s how you sell your story. Give us a call. We will give you an honest answer as to whether your story is likely to sell to a newspaper or magazine. From there we will conduct a short informal interview to gather all the necessary details. Publishers love visuals, as do the readers of newspapers and magazines which is why we will ask for appropriate images to accompany your story and thanks to our in-house award winning photographer we can even take a few up to date snaps.As a successful independent press agent, the Phoenix Features Sell My Story team have worked with people from all walks of life covering a broad spectrum of story subjects. We understand that some stories are of a subject that is close to their heart and as such we know the right level of sensitivity to have in these situations. But whatever your story we ensure that we maintain excellent customer care. Anything you tell us is treated with the strictest confidence and before we process with pitching your stories to the press in the hope of a sale or multiple sales we give you a final read through.

Get in Touch with the Phoenix Features Sell My Story Team

So what are you waiting for? Nothing says ‘I love you mum’ like a story straight from the heart for the whole world to read. You can contact the team on 01380 850 860 or simply email Kim, our founder and highly regarded journalist, at

BlogKim Willis