Weekly round up.

Paper ball forming a lightbulb, white backgroundI don't know where the time goes... but here we are! Since I last blogged, we've gained and lost the New Day, the 'good news' newspaper from the people who brought us the Mirror and the People. It was a lovely idea but sadly it would seem investors didn't give it the space and time it needed to grow a fanbase. After 11 weeks, Britain's first new newspaper in yonks disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.And while we're lamenting the demise of a great publication, this month sees us wave goodbye to Prima's Baby and Pregnancy magazine. A progressive, informative, well designed magazine that sadly could not keep up with the changing face of print journalism. Another one bites the dust! But we're still here and so are a great many magazines and newspapers. Let's hope that continues, because here at Phoenix Towers, we love to write and really don't want to have to get a real job...