Weekly Round Up

School supplies.It's been another super week of stories at Phoenix Towers. After a week off (swanning around the South of France topping up my tan and showing off my GCSE standard French) I returned to my beloved office raring to go. I've been writing up a feature about a survivor of the July 7th terrorist attacks which brought London to its knees ten years ago. Kristina's life changed that day and she went through an incredibly difficult but soul searching few years, finally finding peace trekking in Papua New Guinea in 2014. It's a powerful story and you can read it in New! Magazine next week.I've also been writing about the country's youngest pageant star - hitting her first pageantry stage at the tender age of 22 days old. And the heart warming story of young lovers torn apart by teenage angst, only to be reunited six years later, older, wiser and ready for life together. Which is lucky as they soon found out they were having twins. The story of love and adventure will be seen in Take a Break Summer Specials soon.My pencil is primed and ready, so if you have a story to sell and would like to sell it with me, then please get in touch today. All enquiries are handled sensitively and I'll explain how the process works before I ask you to share your story.Merci beaucoup! (I'll stop doing that soon.)