This week I've mostly been writing...

blank sheet in a typewriterWhat a varied week of writing. I've had the honour and pleasure of writing about an incredible couple who made their way through the realisation that one of them was gay, supported each other and their children throughout and remained the best of friends. Truly inspiring and coming to Bella magazine soon. I also wrote about a young woman of 14 who lost her leg to cancer, but showed such maturity, grace and wisdom that her story will teach us all a thing or two about appreciation and seizing the day, for Take a Break summer special magazine.I've written about women who keep their spending secret from their husbands (we've all been there) and women who's lives were changed by a photograph. I've written an in depth examination of the impact of social media on vulnerable young women and a feature highlighting the secretive, awful world of breeding dog farms.Every week, I get to write the most interesting, varied, inspiring stories. I think I might have the best job in the world!If you'd like me to write your story, please get in touch today.