The Not So Ordinary Boy - Best Magazine

freemanjamiebest-largeThis story has been a few years in the making. It was 2014 that young Benny arrived in this world and started what was to become a life changing journey. Mum Jamie wanted to connect with other families in the Down's syndrome community, and not just on Facebook... so she started a journal, a real, leatherbound diary, which she sent off to a mum in Canada.From Canada, the diary travelled around the US, then after two years on the road, it flew to the UK to visit four British families. The diary is now stuffed full of memories, photos and stories. It is a testament to the love and connections made in the Down's syndrome community that the idea has proved to be such a huge success, Jamie is now sending out other diaries to make similar trips around the world.Follow the journey here - and catch Jamie's story in this week's Best.