My son and I - Fabulous Magazine

atkinsongaryfab-largeThis is the incredible story of Gary and his gorgeous son, Thomas. Gary and Thomas's mother split up when Thomas was a baby, leaving Gary to raise his son alone. Behavioural problems left Gary worrying about Thomas's future and pressing for a diagnosis, which eventually led to the discovery that Thomas had foetal alcohol syndrome, a preventable condition that arises if the mother drinks alcohol during pregnancy. It leaves the child with lifelong problems.Around the time of the diagnosis, Gary also discovered he wasn't Thomas's biological father.Maybe some men would have walked away at this point. But not Gary. He explains it simply - he was there when Thomas was born. His name is on Thomas's birth certificate. He's raised him so far, he loves him - he IS Thomas's father. Because that's what it takes. It is a beautiful but heartbreaking story and I am so proud of Gary for sharing.Further information about foetal alcohol syndrome can be found here. Gary shared his story in Fabulous Magazine here, but we have more lined up so stay tuned!