The children who defied the odds - Woman's Own.

defiedoddswo-largeTwo children who've grown into amazing young adults, celebrated in this week's Woman's Own. Firstly we have Zoe, who was born extremely premature. Doctors warned her mum, Caroline, Zoe wouldn't make it. But she fought on... and slowly she grew. Now, she's a public speaker, she's running marathons and being an all-round amazing woman.And we have the dashing young photographer Oliver, who was diagnosed with Down's syndrome shortly after birth. Needing operations on his heart left his mum, Wendy, terrified, but Oliver showed a fighting spirit even back then. Determined to encourage her son to be whoever he wanted to be, Wendy is Oliver's number one fan and he has rather a lot of them! Check out his website to see examples of Oliver's stunning photography.If you're children are little miracles, I'd love to hear about them. Please get in touch today! Pick up a copy of this week's Woman's Own to read about Zoe and Oliver.