Thank you for my new life - Essentials Magazine

GreatestGiftEssentialsIn this month's Essentials Magazine, we have the absolutely gorgeous trio Jo, Louise and Paula. Jo thanks her canine partner, Derby, for giving her back independence after an accident left Jo needing a wheelchair. Derby has brought confidence and joy to Jo and her family.Louise thanks her parents for helping to fund the IVF that led Louise to become a proud mum of three - a wonderful story of family uniting to create family. And blooming gorgeous Louise's children are too.Paula thanks her husband for helping her overcome chronic anxiety, leading her to now live the most adventurous , wonderful life I've ever known. From being too anxious to leave the house, to learning how to be an astronaut - this lady knows how to make up for lost time. Three inspiring stories for the feel-good Christmas issue of Essentials - out now.If you have an inspiring story about a special someone in your life who has helped you through a difficult time, we'd love to hear from you.