Look what Santa brought us... Bella Magazine

MUNDAYsallyBella (Medium)Jingle Bells! We've been working on our Christmas stories since the final days of the summer, so it's great to see them come to fruition now the nights are drawing in. Here we have the lovely Sally and her twins, Monty and Barnaby. Note, Monty and Barnaby own Christmas jumpers with their names stitched on to them. Want!The twins gave their mum a scare when they arrived early on Christmas Day last year. Due in February, Sally and husband Sam are now making Christmas Day morning all about the boys birthday, and Christmas Day afternoon all about Christmas. Phew! A lovely story that celebrates the twins arrival while praising the incredible work of hospital staff who see in their Christmasses looking after newborns.If you have a Christmas story, get in touch today, we only have a few Christmas pages left!