Summer Stories

iStock_000013663657SmallSpring is finally in the air, after a long, cold winter! And as spring invites us into its warm, gentle hug, we're looking forwards toward summer. Summer is the time for stories about weddings, holidays and adventures. So, if you have a story with a summery vibe, please do get in touch. We're always interested to hear what you have to say and will work hard to make your story a reality in the summer pages of your favourite magazine.Did you lose lots of weight for your wedding? Maybe even had surgery especially for the big day? Or maybe your wedding went wrong? Wedding themed stories are always of interest!As for holidays and adventures, we want to hear about your holidays of a lifetime - meeting the man of your dreams abroad, starting a new business in a hot, sunny country, going travelling to clear your head... Whatever your holiday story, we're keen to hear it. Make sure you've got great pictures to help illustrate your story and get in touch today. Your holiday story could be worth it's weight in gold...