Sitting on a Goldmine? You are if you have a Story to Sell

Now we approach the final quarter of the year, this prompts us to look back and reminisce over the previous few months. You might have had a standard year where nothing much has happened out of the ordinary, or you might have had a year full of defining moments or some life changing experiences. In the latter case, then what are you waiting for? You might have a story to sell.

An Experience Worth Sharing?

Did you know that your experiences mean that you could have a story to sell? We’ve all read them, those real life stories that feature in magazines and newspapers. Some are uplifting to the point where you’ll be in fits of laughter and reiterating it to all your friends, some are sad stories that resonate with those of us that have had similar experiences and can provide the comfort of knowing that we are not alone.

Whatever your story, if you feel your experience is one that is worth sharing then you may have a story to sell. Contact Phoenix Features and we will guide you through the process of selling your story. Firstly, we will discuss with you how this works and once you have given us a brief rundown on what your story is about and what it entails we will let you know if we feel whether selling your particular story is feasible. From there we will conduct informal interviews to gather the correct and relevant information. We even have an in-house professional and award winning photographer to handle any necessary photo shoots and queries relating to the photos. Finally we will present the piece to you before we pitch it to the publishers of your choice.

We Will Let you Know if You Have a Story to Sell

It’s that easy! You can contact us by telephone on 01380 850 860 alternatively drop us an email or fill out the contact form that features on our website and a member of the Phoenix Features team will get back to you. Don’t delay, get in touch today and we’ll let you know if you have a story to sell.

BlogKim Willis