Selling a Story to a Newspaper Couldn’t be Simpler

Everyone has a story; some have the ability to pique the interest of those who hear it. Sometimes it is not only the story alone that can captivate but the way in which you tell it. We all have our individual talents, here at Phoenix Features; our talent is telling your stories in an organised and engaging way. When you’re selling a story to a newspaper or magazine you have one opportunity to really ‘sell’ it to that particular publication, don’t waste it!

We Provide a Confidential and Free Service

We’ve been doing this since 2007 and we aren’t scared of blowing our own trumpet, we’ve received a very high level of customer satisfaction by taking stories, pitching them to the correct publishers and ensuring our clients are paid the proper fee for their stories. We are proud to handle delicate stories sensitively and the service we provide is completely confidential.

Now you might be thinking ‘why would I need to line the pockets of someone else when I can tell my story myself?’ and that’s a fair point but would you know where to start selling your story to a newspaper or magazine? Phoenix Features is a free service and we have a wealth of connections within the media industry. In addition, we have experience and know what sells. We know how to present your story in a way that will appeal to different publications and we know how to make sure that you get the payment you deserve. We receive our fee from the publishers who agree to feature your story.

Drop us a line

So if you’d like to sell a news story get in touch. You can reach us on 01380 850 860. From there we will conduct an interview and gather relevant images. Before we start pitching your story we will run it past you first. So phone us today and let Phoenix Features do the rest.

BlogKim Willis