Share Your Story On Television


We offer our clients the opportunity to tell their story on morning TV shows like Good Morning Britain and This Morning. Their sofa-interview approach is informal and perhaps less daunting that being interviewed for the news or a documentary. (Especially if you're interviewed by the lovely Holly and Phil.It can be a great way to further the awareness raised for your cause. Once we've placed your story in magazines and newspapers, going on national television can reach so many more people. And the great news is, they pay all your travel and accommodation costs as well as paying a fee to you too. Of course, TV isn't for everyone - it's more nerve wracking than appearing in a magazine but for many of our clients, it's an opportunity they seize. The production shows always look after everyone and give you a fantastic experience.For example, our client Alice appeared on This Morning back in January, to discuss her journey through a period of self-harm. Alice was calm and composed and knew exactly what she wanted to say. She came across brilliantly and did wonders for people everywhere who feel as lost and afraid as Alice once did.We were very proud - you can view Alice's interview below:

We also secured a This Morning interview for the gorgeous Claire and David, a married couple who live apart by choice. People seem to struggle to get their head around why and how this set up works for Claire and David, but the happy couple were able to articulately put across their lifestyle choice in a way that had the entire studio questioning whether they really do want to spend their lives picking up their husband's socks, when they could just meet him for dinner...
Here's Claire and David's interview below:
So, if a TV interview is something you'd like to try, get in touch with us today. TV shows are looking for all kinds of relevant, informative, unusual subject matter, so you could be just who they are looking for.