My daughter, the agoraphobic - Fabulous Magazine

In Fabulous last Sunday, the incredible story of mum and daughter Louise and Hannah, who together went through hell at the hands of a bully. Hannah, now a stunning and confident 19 year old, was bullied from the age of nine. The bullying was relentless and cruel, and left Hannah so vulnerable and afraid that she refused to leave her bedroom for three years.Three pivotal years - Hannah missed her GCSEs, her A levels, the shopping trips and sleepovers with friends that are more crucial to our confidence and character formation than any of us might realise. Eventually, a doctor earned Hannah's trust and she opened her bedroom door.  Slowly, with the never ending support of Louise and the family, Hannah built up her confidence and left the house.Now, Hannah is flourishing. She's in full time work, she's modelling and winning beauty competitions. She's passed her driving test and she's in love - a happy ending to a traumatic time.Hannah and I have some other exciting features lined up so you'll be seeing more of her as I proudly show off how far she's come!