Make the Most Out of Your Experience and Let Sell My Story Sell Your Story

We’re all familiar with true life stories that feature in newspapers and women’s magazines but have you ever wondered how these stories go from being a personal experience to a story featured in a magazine or newspaper read by thousands? We’re not often informed of the process of getting the story into print. If you have a minute or two to spare, here at Sell My Story we’d like to tell you how.

Everyone Has a Story to Tell

We've all got our own story to tell, whether it is a story of woe, one that inspires or brings about laughter. If you have a story that you feel would not go a miss featured in some of the top branded magazines or newspapers then your first step to getting that story into print is to get in touch. The founder of Phoenix Features aka Sell My Story, Kim Willis is an experienced and highly regarded journalist well adept at taking your story and turning it into something engaging and interesting for the general public to read. Once you have taken the initial step of contacting us with your story we will let you know whether your story is one that will sell and which publications might consider running your story, we will conduct an informal and friendly interview with you, ensuring we have gathered all the details necessary. No story is complete without relevant photos, these help the readers to better identify and empathise with you. We will work closely with you to find out which pictures you would like to feature with your story. Once we have the final piece together we will read this back to you ensuring everything is correct and your story is how you would like it, this will be open to last minute changes if you are not satisfied. Once you are happy with the completed piece we will then pitch this to the media. We will pitch this to multiple publications to get the most out of your story. We do not take any payment off you; our fee is covered by the publications themselves.

What Are You Waiting For?

So if you would like to sell a news story of your own then start the ball rolling and get in touch. You have nothing to lose and we support you every step of the way.

BlogKim Willis