Get Paid to Sell a Story to a Magazine with the Help of Phoenix Features

Memories of experiences can be a funny ole thing. Some memories are ones that we would rather forget and some memories comfort us in our time of need. These memories are stories of our lives and whether you like it or not our experiences shape us. We all know the old saying ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’; this can apply to past experiences, in addition sharing your experiences can comfort others. For this reason, if you have a story we would like to encourage and help you to sell a story to a magazine.

They Need Your True Life Stories

Phoenix Features was first founded in 2007 by Kim Willis, a highly regarded journalist who has already proven more than capable at handling experiences of any nature and transforming them into intriguing and engaging reading material ready to sell to a magazine or a newspaper. You can browse the stories and testimonials of previous clients who have liaised with Phoenix Features to get their story into print; this will give you an idea of the level of customer satisfaction and acclaim Phoenix Features have received in the past. Through discussion and close communication with our clients we are capable of turning your memories and experience into stories that sell and we make certain that you get the payment you deserve. We do not take a cut of your payment. We receive our cut from the publishers of the magazine or newspaper your story features in. Without entertaining and engaging stories magazines don’t sell, they need your stories therefore it is only fair you get a fair payment for the story you provide. We make sure you are paid in full and without unnecessary delays.

Phoenix Features Know How to Successfully Sell a Story to a Magazine

Don’t let the media industry bamboozle you; Phoenix Features can help you sell a story to a magazine. With the correct knowledge of how to sell a story, we can guide you through the process ensuring your story remains faithful to the facts and you receive the money you deserve, we can even get your story featured in multiple publications. So Get in touch today and share your experience.

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