It's a new dawn, it's a New Day...

BRATTjay1Well it's a very exciting time in the world of journalism. For years rumours have swirled that no one reads print journalism anymore and indeed we've seen some of our favourite titles disappear. Remember Zest? More? She? Great magazines, gone to magazine heaven in the sky. Then there was the News of the World - bad times.But now? Now there's the New Day - a brand new newspaper from the team who bring us the Mirror and the People. It's a gorgeous newspaper, the stories are laid out in a clean, crisp way. Reading it feels all exciting. I'm honoured to see one of my stories in today's issue, one of the very first issues of the paper. (It's been on sale for about a fortnight now)There's also a new fitness magazine out called Fit and Well. How apt - perhaps the world of print journalism is indeed fit and well. I do hope so - I love to write and don't ever want to stop!