Happy Mother's Day everyone!

STEADMANjayneMyWThis weekend the nation celebrates Mothering Sunday. A time to take a moment and thank not just your mum, but all maternal influences in your life. Or if you're like me, to forget to arrange anything and hope a text will do...We placed this uplifting story of a mum supporting her daughter through loss, in My Weekly magazine, to coincide with Mother's Day. Jayne's story is heartbreaking, she became a widow far too young. But her mum had been through similar circumstances and was able to guide Jayne through grieving and help Jayne see the flowers blossoming through the dark times. It's a truly beautiful story of love and family support when you need it most. Jayne is using her fee to take her mum to the Victoria and Albert museum - something they've both wanted to do for a long time.Happy Mother's Day to all the mums who make our lives happier!