Feature Story Of The Year Awarded To Phoenix Features


It's been a very exciting few days at Phoenix HQ. Last week, Kim won the prestigious "Feature Story of the Year" award at the NAPA awards ceremony.The National Association of Press Agencies annual awards ceremony celebrates the best news and feature agency journalists and the event is held in central London and attended by leading industry figures.The awards were presenting this year by the Sun editor, David Dinsmore, seen here shaking hands with our Kim. Dinsmore made a keynote speech about the changes and transitions in the media as we find new ways to tell news and feature stories in the digital age.

Award Winning Feature Of The YearHe acknowledged the lengths us writers go to in order to write the best and most interesting pieces and it was great to look back on another fantastic year at Phoenix Features with pride.
The Feature Story of the Year award is a prestigious accolade and one we're proud to have achieved. The plaque has taken pride of place in the office and we're humbled to be up there with the greats of journalism.
Kim says: "I knew this was one of the most powerful stories I'd ever written because when I was working on it, I couldn't stop telling people about it - a sure sign that I was writing something extraordinary. Working with Vanessa, the protagonist, was an emotional experience. She was honest, raw and passionate about getting her story heard, to stop other people every making the same mistake she did. Her story stayed with me long after it had been published and my admiration for Vanessa and all she's achieving now she's a free woman, will never subside. That I was able to do her story justice was my honour!"