Christmas Stories


It's hard to believe we're thinking about Christmas already, but here at Phoenix Features, while the summer sun shines, we're thinking Santa and presents. If you want to sell your story and it's seasonal, you've got to think ahead. Our magazines print a new issue every week and they are working on future issues all the time. So in the height of summer, we're thinking about Christmas. By Christmas, we'll be thinking about Mother's Day. It's one way to get you organised - not many people are thinking about mulled wine and festive songs while on their summer holidays.

If you have a story that has any kind of Christmas link at all, from light hearted fun stories about your Christmas decorations or unusual Christmas traditions, to more serious subject matter such as finally realising last Christmas that you were in the wrong relationship and using the festive time to make changes to your life that made you happy - we want to hear all your Christmas stories.
Christmas can be a time for change as well as tradition. If big things happened in your life around the festivities in the last few years, then why not get in touch with us today and let us see if we can sell your story? We'll talk through what your Christmas themed story is and whether we think we can make it work. Then, we'll discuss photographs, before preparing our pitch for our editors. Your hard work is then done - just wait for us to do our thing and see what kind of payment we can secure you for your story. The magazines start publishing Christmas themed stories from November so it won't be long before you see your story in print and get paid, just in time for Christmas.
Thank you!