Bella Magazine - My £6000 party

ROWLANDSwitneyBella (Small)Debates are raging about this story, seen here in this week's Bella magazine. How much should we spend on a baby's first birthday? For Witney, nothing was out of reach. She wanted to give her baby the most dazzling, incredible party ever. Three bouncy castles, seven princesses, a huge cake and 100 cupcakes. Too much? Witney says friends came from far and wide and everyone had a terrific day, so what's not to love?We sent our photographer along for the day and as you can see from his pictures, it was an extraordinarily colourful and thoughtful day. One day baby Romany will look through these pictures and see how much her mum loves her. Happy Birthday Romany Rose!If you throw extravagant parties for your children, we'd love to hear about them. Magazines love these kinds of stories and pay well for them so if you'd like to sell your story, please get in touch today.Thank you!