Anniversary of 7/7 bombings in London - New magazine

LawrenceKristinaNew (Small)It seems eerily strange that the terrorist attacks that shook London to its core happened ten years ago today. It feels like a long time ago, and yet only yesterday. Suicide bombers killed commuters on buses and tubes in a choreographed attack.Kristina was one of the survivors and went on to suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Survivor's Guilt, consumed with confusion over why it had happened, why she'd survived when others had died, and what she could have done differently. It's taken her the best part of a decade to accept the devastating consequences of the day. It was only last year, conquering a trek in Papua New Guinea, that Kristina felt at peace with the past. She is now raising money for Australian charity R U OK? Which strives to help suicidal people communicate before it's too late. A concept very close to Kristina's heart.Kristina's story accompanies other survivors in this week's New Magazine.