World Down's syndrome Day 2017 - time for my collective retrospective!

DANIELSrachelTAB (Large)Hello everyone! Happy World Down's syndrome Day - a momentous global celebration uniting every corner of the world. You can read more about the events taking place here. Last year I wrote a blog charting all the stories I'd been lucky enough to write in the preceding 12 months, and I did the same the year before... Here I am again! I am so, so proud to have written so many life-affirming stories about extraordinary people in the Down's syndrome community, who have kindly welcomed me into their fold. Together, we have championed Down's syndrome and illustrated over and over again that Down's syndrome is no impediment to a fulfilling, happy and rewarding life, that society need not fear Down's syndrome, that we are, in fact, lucky to know these talented, charming, confident, gorgeous individuals.NIPT (non-invasive prenatal testing) continues to gather pace and what I'd like to be writing about this time next year, is that the NHS retrained all medical professionals in the reality of Down's syndrome, so that the inevitable increase in prenatal diagnoses is accompanied by a fresh and realistic portrayal of what life might have in store. To screen out Down's syndrome would be to create a society lacking diversity and says more about society than it does about Down's syndrome.To the Down's syndrome community I say I love you and I say thank you. Thank you for continuing to let me write about and celebrate you. Here's this year's collective of our stories:DRUMMONDleanneBella-page-001DSUOwoman (Large)BALZOIhayleyTAB (Large)DefiedOddsWO (Large)DRUMMONDleanneNotebook (Large)FREEMANjamieBest (Large)K.ANITA.NewDay (Large)STANTONsuzanneFabulous (Large)WILSONfrancesBEST (Large)MARSHnicoleTAB (Large)