World Down's Syndrome Day 2016 - a collective retrospective!

It is without doubt the proudest achievement of my career, to continue to write so many wonderful stories about and for the Down's syndrome community. Last year I wrote a blog looking back on all the stories I'd published, to mark World Down's Syndrome Day. So here I am again as the collection continues to grow!I am honoured that so many people in the Down's syndrome community put their trust in me. Telling stories with person-first language, ensuring sensitivity and tact are employed throughout the journey and helping to spread a powerful message, I am humbled to be a small part of a lovely army. The message is more important than ever - this year saw the NHS introduce a new antenatal Down's syndrome test. Would a world that eradicates disabilities and thus, that which makes some of us a little bit different, really be a better place?Click here to see more of the stories I worked on this year... WITTkathrynTAB.jpeg (Large) MARCH 19 THE LOVE OF THEIR LIVES-page-001 FARRpennyLS (Medium)