Weekly Round Up

Another week has flown by - busy as we ever are writing about the wonderful women we write about! We're gearing up for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and the leap year, here at Phoenix. We're writing about love, love and more love.We've written a wonderful story about a teen mum who decided to parent by doing the exact opposite of what her parents had done. Neglected and denied praise or cuddles as a child, she's given her children a foundation of support, love and encouragement. As a result, they are thriving, charming, adorable kids. This will be published soon and we'll be raving about it again then - it's a wonderful, feel good story.Talking of wonder-mums, we've also written the story of Tracey and her THREE sets of twins, all naturally conceived. So that's six children, all twins. I can't imagine anything more terrifying, but Tracey and her husband have taken it all in their stride. We sold Tracey's story to the Sunday Mirror and it'll also appear in That's Life soon... and beyond!Supermums of the world: get in touch today! Let's celebrate you.