The smile that conquered the world - Take a Break

WITTkathrynTAB.jpeg (Large)Well here's a story that'll make you smile! The infectious grin of a certain little lady named Florence. This beautiful baby is the daughter of Kathryn, a young mum who was not phased by Florence's Down's syndrome diagnosis. One day Kathryn took a super-cute photo of Florence and put it on Facebook to share with friends and family. One like... two likes... suddenly, 100,000 likes from all over the world! Florence was on a mission to show the world Down's Syndrome was nothing to worry about. It was such a pleasure working with Kathryn and bringing that beautiful smile to a few more people.Regular readers will know that we write lots of wonderful stories for the Down's syndrome community, here at Phoenix. If you'd like to share a story, please get in touch today.