The Magic of Living Big - Good Housekeeping

DENCHsachaGHK (Large)While I love to write about the antics of women like Sacha, I have to admit that I am too much of a scaredy cat to ever achieve anything quite like her feat. Paramotoring from the depths of Russian tundra to the wetlands of Gloucester, she flew over mountain and sea, alongside swans, above whales, beneath geese. My husband is a paramotorer and every summer I lose him to the skies. Join him? No thank you.Sacha's story was a thrill to write, because I love to write about women who possess characteristics I wish I had. She's brave, she's bold, she's fearless.Sacha's adventure is in this month's Good Housekeeping.If you've had a life changing adventure, let me know! I will write about you from the safety of my office...