The kitten whisperer - Love Sunday

I have such a soft spot for writing about animals and in yesterday's Love Sunday, I was able to celebrate a gorgeous, patient and wise dog called Suzie, who along with her human companion Kelly, fosters kittens in New York. Kelly has been fostering kittens for a few years and at first thought she'd have to keep the kittens away from Suzie. But Suzie proved to be an asset to the fostering process, showing the kittens that she could be their climbing frame, their protector, their hug blanket!The story behind the fostering makes for difficult reading - kittens and cats are dumped and neglected all over the city and Kelly works tirelessly to raise awareness of this, while looking after as many kittens as she can. The story of Suzie the kitten whisperer will melt your heart! You can read the online version here and follow Kelly and chums on Instagram here.