Sell a Story to a Newspaper or Magazine and be Quids in

I don’t know about you but I am not the most patient of people. I loathe having to wait around. Whether I’m waiting for an appointment, a friend or just for the husband to hurry up and get to the car in the morning. What does appease me is having something to do whilst I wait. Reading, I love reading and a good story in a magazine or newspaper can keep me occupied to the point where I end up making those who I waited for then wait for me to finish reading!

Don’t Miss Out

Did you know that the majority of stories you read in magazines and newspapers would likely never have made it to print without the help of a service such as our own? There’s an endless supply of funny, interesting, heart wrenching stories out there but not everyone can present their story as an organised and engaging piece of material fit for a magazine or newspaper. We don’t think this should make them miss out on sharing their stories and getting a decent payment for it.

Over the past six years we have helped many people sell a story to a newspaper and/or magazine and get money they deserve. We ask for nothing from our clients in return although we do appreciate a brief testimonial to let others know what we can do for them and their stories. We will conduct a simple interview through which we gather all the information we need and accurate details. We will run the final piece past the client before anything is set in stone and once everyone involved is satisfied we pitch this to the desired publications. It is possible to sell stories to multiple magazines.

Sell a Story to a Newspaper, Get in Touch Today

We have the knowledge and experience and know exactly how to sell a story. Get in touch and let us guide you through the process and get you on the road to sell a story to a newspaper or magazine. You can contact Phoenix Features on 01380 850 860 or directly email Kim, the founder of Phoenix Features on

BlogKim Willis