My daughters are changing the world - Best Magazine

This is the heartbreaking yet hopeful story of the beautiful Rich family. Tragically, eldest daughter Nicole was diagnosed with Batten's disease, a cruel condition that means she's lose her sight, ability to swallow, walk, pick things up. And in time, she'll suffer all the symptoms of dementia. As if fate had not been cruel enough, youngest daughter Jessica was also diagnosed.But there is hope. Both daughters are on a trial which could change the world. For Nicole, there has been a dramatic and unexpected improvement in her symptoms. For Jessica, who was diagnosed before she even had symptoms, the trial drug might just delay the onset of symptoms for years or even forever. This has significant ramifications for a whole host of childhood diseases. In short, the outcome of Jessica's trial might just change the world for thousands of families.Gail and her family are beautiful and brave and it was an honour to write about them. Out now in Best.