I won an Oscar!

Oh look it's me! Here I am accepting my award for 'Feature Story of the Year' at the NAPAs, my industry's answer to the Oscars. It is a great privilege to get to write about so many amazing people and when I was writing this particular story, I knew it was something extra special. Writing for Fabulous Magazine, I described how SuperDad Gary had taken sole custody of his son after breaking up with his ex. As if that wasn't amazing enough, the baby had various behavioural problems and was diagnosed with foetal alcohol syndrome, as a result of the mother drinking through the pregnancy. There is no cure and it lasts a lifetime.While organising custody, Gary found out that this child is not his biological son. Did he run? No he did not.I'm so proud of Gary and so pleased with the story we worked hard on. I shall include it below.It was a lovely awards ceremony in London and I got to catch up with lots of my editors. Usually there's an air of doom and gloom for the future of our industry, but this year things felt different. There was talk of stable readership figures and healthy budgets. So, perhaps I don't have to retrain as a yoga teacher just yet...