How to Sell a Personal Story and Get Paid for Doing So!

Do you know what draws people to buy magazines and newspapers? It’s certainly not the advertisements or the horoscopes for the month. I’m sure at one time or another you have spotted a headline for a story on the front and been intrigued. It’s the true life stories that really grab our attention, those alluring headlines that get us thinking ‘I must know more!’ Has this ever got you wondering how they find these people and their stories? Well we’re here to show you how to sell a personal story and you’ll be surprised at just how easy and lucrative it really is!

Let your Experiences Inspire and Motivate Others

There are many reasons for wanting to sell a story. Many choose to share their experiences to highlight a worthy cause or to give inspiration and motivation to others. Whatever your reasons, it stands to reason that you deserve fair payment from the publishers who feature your story and we are here to make sure of that.Thanks to experience within the industry and a celebrated history in journalism, Kim Willis, founder of Phoenix Features knows exactly how to sell a personal story to publishers, organising and pitching them in a way that will engage and appeal to editors.Through an informal chat we can gather all the information we need to put together your story. Our awarded photographer can even arrange a photo shoot if necessary. Before we begin pitching your story to publishers we will run this past you first to ensure that everything is correct.

You Do Not Pay Us a Penny!

And if you’re wondering what’s in this for us or how big the slice of the pie is that we take, don’t worry. Our service is free to you as we get payment from the publishers! If you are still unsure of how to sell a personal story, get in touch! You can contact us on 01380 850 860 or send Kim an email on 01380 850 860. If you prefer you can fill out the contact form that features in the Contact Us section of our website and someone will be in touch.

BlogKim Willis