Dexter - The Mail on Sunday

In this weekend's Mail on Sunday, we shared the story of the magnificent Dexter, a wonderful little chap who has a rare genetic condition which means that he is unable to feel the sensation of pain. It is a complex condition which raises a myriad of challenges for his parents, as they battle to keep him safe from harm.As mum Lindsay states, life would be easier if Dexter loved fluffy things like feathers and teddies, but Dexter prefers tools, tractors and trucks. Give the boy an engine, some kind of machinery or a toolkit and he's in bliss. His knowledge of tools puts me to shame, as I don't know my saw from my hammer.The plaster cast you can see in this photo has now been removed and Dexter's doing well. He's about to celebrate his fourth birthday. Happy Birthday champ!The story can also be read online here.