Buy My Story! Find Out How to Sell a Personal Story

Have you or someone you know been fighting a battle against illness or a difficult situation? Maybe you are in awe of someone who has been in dire straits but has maintained their will to overcome and succeed. It is resilient people like this that inspire and their battles make for engaging and comforting reading for others whether in a similar situation or not. If this is you or you would like to pay homage to someone you admire for their strength of will then we would love to hear from you. This is not only a great way to reach out to people who need the comfort of someone going through the same or similar situation; this is a great way to raise awareness for a particular campaign or fund raising event. But don’t just turn up on a publisher’s doorstep pleading ‘please buy my story’, let the experts organise your story in a way which means they can’t refuse!

Who will buy my Story?

You could approach publishers yourself but we wouldn’t advise it. Simply approaching magazines such as Grazia, Reveal or the Daily Mail and asking ‘Buy my story’ will likely not get you a deal. Publishers liked to be wowed and expect your stories to be presented in a way that is just so. This is where our experience within the industry comes in very handy. Why not enlist the experts? You’ve nothing to lose as the service we offer is free and will not affect the money you are paid. What’s more, we will ensure that you are paid what you are rightfully owed for your trouble.

How much can I make selling a story?

This is the burning question and usually the first question we are asked by our customers. ‘How much can I make selling a story?’ We can’t answer that. Not right now. The truth of the matter is that your story is not limited to one magazine or newspaper and you can sell this to multiple publications. We estimate that you could make up £2000 when you sell your story, but this amount can fluctuate. If your purpose of wanting to sell your story is to raise awareness of a charity or fund raising event, the money you make can be put towards this. We will ensure that you receive payment for your story with as little delay as possible.

I want you to buy my story, where do I start?

Just to make it clear. We do not buy your story. We are responsible for working with you to prepare your story to be digestible for readers and irresistible for editors. You will be paid and our fee will come straight from the publications that feature your story. Thanks to our connections within the industry we know how to sell a personal story and how to get you fair payment.To get started all you need to do is get in touch. We can start with an informal chat where we will answer any of your concerns and decide together if the sale of your story is worth pursuing. From there we will conduct an interview where we will gather all the relevant details and thanks to our in-house award winning photographer we will even set up a photo shoot if appropriate.

Sell a Story – Get in Touch Today!

So what are you waiting for? Stop asking yourself ‘who will buy my story?’ and give us a call. You can contact us by filling in the contact form featured on our website with a brief outline of your story or if you prefer, you can contact the team by phone by calling 01380 850 860.

BlogKim Willis