Annabel Breaks

Oh little Annabel... this story melts my little heart. Annabel has osteogenesis imperfecta - which sadly means her bones break very easily. Annabel has captured my heart with her inquisitive, intelligent, adventurous spirit. This is a soul that won't be shaken by broken bones. This is a soul that explores. She's incredible and I think given five minutes in her shoes I'd be a wreck, so she's an inspiration to me. This story was given to me by Gail at Wipe Away Those Tears, another incredible human! Gail has set up a fund to help little people like Annabel out with much-needed equipment or just a gift to make poorly kids smile. It's such a lovely philosophy and we're proud to support Gail in her endeavours.If you'd like to share your story, please get in touch today.